

😍 經小斯申請信用卡/戶口/稅貸有額外積分/禮券/現金呀:flyformiles.hk/20634

😀 😀 :清理卡數債務最忌係拖❗ 即刻介紹個專家比你 幫你債務清零仲要還得聰明❗🤩經小斯申請送高達$31,500獎賞❗: flyformiles.hk/60581

😆 記得要follow埋我Instagram睇我啲靚旅行相呀!

😳 唔想錯過任何優惠或消息,記得要訂閱我既電子報呀!一有消息就會email通知你呀!(按我登記訂閱)

成日都有人問究竟用里數upgrade係抵唔抵!總知係唔抵架!點解呢?主要有兩個原因,一就係要正價飛先up得,基本上你都唔會買到張正價飛。二就係upgrade只限up一級,即係ECON up PEY、PEY up Business、Business up 做First咁。想ECON up 做Business的話,就只限啲無pey既機先可以咁up,但個問題係,俾你up得既,大部份都係regional business,坐黎都晒氣。至於用黎upgrade既里數,都算要幾多下,大約係比起就咁換既2倍半。咁究竟有啲咩情況下用里數upgrade會抵呢!就係除非你用好平價錢,例如bug價買到張正價booking class既機票,或者甚至係公司出張正價機票俾你,咁你用里數upgrade就抵啦!例如我當公司出張來回歐洲business class俾你,咁你用85,000里就可以來回up晒做first class啦,而就咁換first class既里數係需要180,000,所以我都覺得ok既!但都係個句,你有張正價機票先算啦!所以upgrade大家唔使諗啦!直接換張business算啦!


😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

記得同時要like埋我 facebook,仲要撳埋"see first", 咁先會第一時間睇到我出既最新優惠!

同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!


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    • Stephen on 8 月 18, 2017 at 3:48 下午
    • Reply

    just to remember to buy an R or W class ticket. E-class ticket is not eligible for upgrade.

      • Quebeisque on 8 月 27, 2017 at 8:55 下午
      • Reply

      of coz la


    • Quebeisque on 8 月 17, 2017 at 10:04 下午
    • Reply

    AM Mileage upgrade is really worth it IMHO if your PEY fare is not an ex-HKG tix
    If J to F, I class ex-TPE and ex-CHN can mean you still get a handsome amount of savings. At the end of the day, YMMV.

      • Stephen on 8 月 18, 2017 at 3:48 下午
      • Reply

      just to remember to buy an R or W class ticket. E-class ticket is not eligible for upgrade.

    • Hi on 8 月 17, 2017 at 2:13 下午
    • Reply

    Thank you for your advice.

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