
復活節島Airline – LATAM 787商務艙

😍 經小斯申請信用卡/戶口/稅貸有額外積分/禮券/現金呀:flyformiles.hk/20634

😀 😀 :清理卡數債務最忌係拖❗ 即刻介紹個專家比你 幫你債務清零仲要還得聰明❗🤩經小斯申請送高達$31,500獎賞❗: flyformiles.hk/60581

😆 記得要follow埋我Instagram睇我啲靚旅行相呀!

😳 唔想錯過任何優惠或消息,記得要訂閱我既電子報呀!一有消息就會email通知你呀!(按我登記訂閱)

Image may contain: aeroplane and sky

拿!唔好話我黑咗好多先,去完復活節島唔黑就假啦嘛!同大家講下LATAM呢隻787商務艙啦!雖然LATAM就霸咗Easter Island呢條route得佢先有得飛,但係佢用既aircraft 都唔差架!起碼可以平躺咁訓先!仲要成日都有bug,基本去返佢西班牙文個網買Business class機票,3-4千都有交易,唔怪成個Business Class都full囉!3-4千就買到來回Santiago<->Easter Island既Business,俾我都唔換衝去買啦!仲要來回儲到280個BA Tier points 嘻!

LATAM 787商務艙

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Image may contain: people sitting

Image may contain: people sitting

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

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Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: one or more people

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

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👕Amenity kit
勁搞笑!坐得5個鐘仲要係中午機居然係都有個好細個既Amenity kit,有個眼罩、襪、耳塞同一條筆俾你,都算係咁啦!

Image may contain: stripes


Image may contain: people sitting and food

Image may contain: food and indoor

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總括黎講,LATAM其實同佢個名一樣都係爛,但3-4千蚊買到來回business,我真係唔會有任何要求了!話說我都係睇Flyday.hk 低成本旅遊情報網搵平機票架喳!嘻嘻!

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!

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