
碌卡冷知識:小心DCC(動態貨幣轉換Dynamic currency conversion)

😍 經小斯申請信用卡/戶口/稅貸有額外積分/禮券/現金呀:flyformiles.hk/20634

😀 😀 :清理卡數債務最忌係拖❗ 即刻介紹個專家比你 幫你債務清零仲要還得聰明❗🤩經小斯申請送高達$31,500獎賞❗: flyformiles.hk/60581

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DCC(動態貨幣轉換Dynamic currency conversion)即係同步換匯,就係你係外國以外國貨幣作貨幣單位,用信用卡買野個陣,將外幣報價即時套用匯率換算轉換為你既本國貨幣(即係港幣,其實你可以揀俾咩幣)報價,從而以本國貨幣支付。





















大家可以睇返上面張單,本身RMB3,379.25既單,就要用HKD4,451.85去找,計返個exchange rate要成1.3174。



like完都仲要記得set返get notification先可以收到我既即時資訊架^^

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

記得同時要like埋我 facebook,仲要撳埋"see first", 咁先會第一時間睇到我出既最新優惠!

同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!


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    • woody on 6 月 27, 2023 at 10:17 下午
    • Reply

    請問買HK Express 日本單程返香港,應該用YEN定HKD結算?謝謝你

    1. yen

    • Rita on 4 月 24, 2023 at 6:40 下午
    • Reply

    Agoda bk hotel, 澳幣付款,用哪張卡抵?earmore 銀聯,ccb eye, charter asia miles, citibank premiermiles, 哪張卡抵?

    1. 一定要外幣俾錢??咁會收多左CHARGE喎

    • Blue on 3 月 11, 2020 at 4:41 上午
    • Reply

    請問係香港網購美國amazon應該選usd定hkd付款?? (用緊 standard chartered asia miles

    1. hkd不過要俾1%手續費

    • Desmond on 8 月 6, 2019 at 12:26 下午
    • Reply

    急問:有5仟英鎊要在網上簽帳,請問用什麼信用卡最好?匯率最好? 我持有匯豐VS,中銀infinite, 渣打AM,恆生world master, 東亞world flyer, 交通/中銀/東亞的銀聯,謝謝

    1. 你呢5000gbp係shopping買野?

        • Desmond on 8 月 7, 2019 at 7:15 下午
        • Reply

        Thank you 小斯 very much

        1. you are welcome 🙂

    • Eliu on 7 月 28, 2018 at 8:56 下午
    • Reply

    Hello小斯, o係hotels.com訂酒店, 用bea flyer world, 係咪都會有DCC0.8%? 如果無富邦, 建議用邊間銀行比好?

    • kako on 11 月 6, 2017 at 8:36 下午
    • Reply

    最近我係德國amazon 買野 貨幣個到俾錢個時用左 eru 俾錢
    岩唔岩?我用citi cash back credit card, 但我用citi 個app check
    宜家過左4日仲未show 到我碌左幾多錢

    遲d 仲會去美國amazon 買野,我搞唔清如果我用citi cash back
    俾hkd 係咪即係要俾1.95%手續費,回贈1%
    俾usd 係咪俾1.95%手續費,2%回贈?

    1. hkd 無手續費回贈1%
      usd 岩
      但注意hkd雖然無手續費,但可能美國amazon個exchange rate 勁差

        • Michael on 12 月 29, 2017 at 6:26 下午
        • Reply

        咁用visa card連支付寶hk上
        淘寳買野结帳時會將cny轉hkd 咁係唔係dcc呢

        1. AlipayHK*Taobao.com Hong Kong HK

    • Hugo on 7 月 23, 2017 at 2:08 上午
    • Reply

    想問下點解渣打AsiaMiles卡簽iTunes 要俾Mastercard收多1%?

    因為之前用恆生MPower Mastercard卡簽都冇收多

    呢個情況就係DCC?定係Exchange Rate?

    1. 係呀!

    • Kei on 12 月 22, 2016 at 5:45 下午
    • Reply

    請問係美國amazon買野是否選手用US dollar比錢??
    如果有flyer world, standard chartered asia miles and dual currency 銀聯, 是否用standard chartered asia miles 比錢最好?? 唔該晒!!!

    1. 可以

    • Allen on 12 月 19, 2016 at 6:57 下午
    • Reply


    1. 俾人仔

    • Kay on 11 月 23, 2016 at 11:31 上午
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    黎緊去KOREA 如果想俾卡, 應該用邊張好?
    1. DBS Black Master
    2. 渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡

    1. 有折用銀聯
      無折用dbs black

    • Stewart Chan on 6 月 16, 2016 at 10:56 上午
    • Reply

    如果我用AGODA訂酒店, 用外幣付款, AGODA係唔係會自動用DCC轉番港幣結脹?
    咁如果我用CITIBANK PM 找呢條數係咪就唔駛俾DCC?

    1. inbox答佐你

        • Janie on 9 月 20, 2017 at 2:13 下午
        • Reply

        Hello, 小斯~ 我都想請問用信用卡找AGODA訂日本酒店的話應該選用港幣定日圓計數好呀? 謝謝你~

        1. 邊隻貨幣平啲就用邊隻

    • SL on 1 月 10, 2016 at 8:22 下午
    • Reply

    小斯,咁我想問下 online transaction.
    Refer 你個 dcc table, 維珍係hk 註冊,但佢官網個價錢係話以英鎊轉換成港紙結算,咁埋單會吾會有 0.8% 果d charge?
    我有 BEA flyer, dbs black, CX AE, 上商銀聯,用邊張俾錢比較好?

    1. 哈哈哈哈!
      真係呢個表just for reference 喳
      所以用cx ae最穩陣

    • Q on 11 月 9, 2015 at 8:46 下午
    • Reply

    請問如果用fubon卡簽hotels.com / hotel club / Expedia 等網站,轉用台幣結帳,係唔係都可以賺20x?

    1. 可以

    • Po on 10 月 26, 2015 at 3:39 下午
    • Reply


    • Po on 10 月 25, 2015 at 10:49 下午
    • Reply

    請問如果經asiamiles呢個expedia promo訂台灣酒店,用CX Elite係咪唔會收0.8%dcc呀?

    1. ae 唔收0.8% dcc

    • ISAAC on 9 月 9, 2015 at 9:36 上午
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    我早幾日係EXPEDIA.HK 訂日本住宿,
    係咪訂日本住宿, 用YEN 比錢先唔洗收呢個費用?


    1. 你用咩卡呀?

    2. https://flyformiles.hk/2337

    • newdream on 9 月 4, 2015 at 1:02 上午
    • Reply

    HI 小斯,

    I would need your advice on the following items:

    I have Fubon titanium, Citibank PM, DBS black master, BEA Flyer world card & SCB 銀聯

    1. Always have online shopping in US/ UK websites, which card should I use? Coz they offered DCC for HKD. Since I know that BEA will charge 0.8% for DCC but they offer $5 for 1 mile

    2. I will go to Korea soon. May I know ig I should use Fubon for all txn? In case if merchant offer DCC, should i just pick pay in Won?

    3. Can you also advise if I should change won in Korea instead of in HK? As i need to pay quite a large amount for pre-wedding package in Seoul.


    1. 1. fubon, ng ho use dcc, normally the exchange rate is very bad
      2. of coz fubon la
      3. https://flyformiles.hk/408

        • newdream on 9 月 5, 2015 at 1:08 上午
        • Reply

        Thanks 小斯!!!

        REFER TO POINT 2. 咁即係係韓國, FUBON計埋1.85%手續費都係抵用過上商銀聯雙幣鑽石信用卡 COZ銀聯買野成日有9折MA? THANKS!

        1. 有8倍就抵

    • Vic on 8 月 24, 2015 at 10:42 下午
    • Reply

    小斯,今日check statement 發現用dbs black card 係 expedia book 酒店冇分,打去hotline 問佢話境外簽帳港幣結算係冇積分,睇番statement寫 expedia fra, 係唔係真係冇分架?

    1. yes 係無分

    2. 最佳信用卡組合:http://flyformiles.hk/?p=2337

    • venus on 8 月 5, 2015 at 1:01 上午
    • Reply

    hello, 咁請問上網book酒店 ( agoda)訂房應該用hkd好定當地貨幣好定usd 好呢??

    1. 唔知架~~

    • Alex on 4 月 4, 2015 at 1:32 下午
    • Reply


    我曾在大陸的酒店用VISA 卡埋單, 底單上會自動結算一個匯率並且計埋HKD 係幾多錢, 約比巿價匯率貴4%。請問這算不算DCC? 我並沒有提出用港幣結算…前台自動執行

    另外我又試過用同一張信用咭去另一間酒店埋單, 就沒有港元結算價, 只有RMB 價錢, 港元結算價只在信用咭月結單上顯示, 而且感覺上只有2%手續費左右…



    1. 我曾在大陸的酒店用VISA 卡埋單, 底單上會自動結算一個匯率並且計埋HKD 係幾多錢, 約比巿價匯率貴4%。請問這算不算DCC?


        • CG on 6 月 20, 2017 at 11:08 上午
        • Reply

        Hi 小斯

        I encountered the same situation while checking out in a mainland hotel (the credit card receipt is exactly like what you shared in the post). In this case, is it even possible to ask the hotel staff to switch off the DCC? If yes, what should I do to switch it off? (e.g. ask hotel staff to cancel this transaction and swipe my card again? or simply use a pen to mark on this receipt that I want to be charged RMB instead of HKD?)

        1. yes!
          u should ask the staff to pay by RMB

    • Lun on 3 月 31, 2015 at 4:34 下午
    • Reply


    1. 澳門碌卡麻麻,因為好多間銀行都唔當佢係海外簽賬,如果有富邦都可以簽既

    • richard on 3 月 17, 2015 at 10:58 下午
    • Reply

    是不是張張 credit card 都可以用當地貨幣比錢, 例如我用緊 渣打platinum visa , 係咪碌卡時,同佢講用當地貨幣找數就得 ?

    1. 唔是,係睇商戶

        • richard on 3 月 19, 2015 at 12:10 上午
        • Reply

        姐係任何credit card 都得, 只要商戶部機provide當地貨幣比錢?? thz

    • yan on 10 月 10, 2014 at 9:45 下午
    • Reply


    1. 用返當地貨幣

  1. 咁幾時先有DCC, 幾時先無? 有冇方法分到? (去日本)

    1. 張底單到會見到架 寫得好清楚既

    • Sam on 5 月 15, 2014 at 12:47 上午
    • Reply

    不過要注意,台灣簽賬有20X,每個月結單只係最多80000分, 無記錯,20X 係當海外4X + 16X台灣咁計, 16X 最多80000積分,咁即係計番係HK$5000, 簽多過係只係有4X分

    1. YES won同YEN都有:P

    • Kobayasi on 5 月 14, 2014 at 12:27 下午
    • Reply

    本人係數字白痴, 所以唔係好明.以你講既例子
    想問, 如果在海外當地買, 係咪最好用CASH(當地貨幣)? 如果係ONLINE買嘢既話, 有富邦咭, 就用佢兼且揀以台幣付款呀?

    1. 俾Cash當然最好
      但係如果係可以俾台幣/YEN/WON, 就唔理係Online定現地俾, 都係碌富邦抵D

        • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 10:24 上午
        • Reply

        I don’t agree. I can’t think of a case where cash will beat a Fubon card where accepted.

        Fubon has 4X overseas. This equates to a cash rebate rate of 2%.
        It will cover the 1.85% foreign exchange fee levied over Visa/MC rate by Fubon.

        You cannot obtain overseas cash at the Visa/MC rate. Even at 百年 it’ll be a few basis points above it.

        Yes, the weakness of this analysis is that the amount of overseas spending which attracts 2% gets rounded down to nearest multiple $5,000 every year. So this analysis is not valid for low overseas spenders.

        And of course there are promotions from time to time which beat Fubon as well, like HSBC Red Hot Overseas.

        1. Thank you for your comment.

          Actually I am talking about whether we should use DCC to pay for the oversea bill rather than talking about whether we should use credit card to pay for the oversea bill.

          And my conclusion is dun use the DCC except you can pay by TWD, JPY or WON using Fubon

            • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 7:28 下午

            Sorry I thought you meant you can’t be DCCed online (you can be). Apologies if that’s not what you’re trying to say.

            • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 7:35 下午

            (Sorry reply was posted wrongly)

            I think you have to be charged in TWD/JPY/KRW to earn 20X/8X. If you are DCCed in Taiwan/Japan/Korea you still don’t earn the 20X/8X.

            • 小斯 on 5 月 15, 2014 at 7:40 下午

            If you are DCCed in Taiwan/Japan/Korea you still don’t earn the 20X/8X.

            • 小斯 on 5 月 15, 2014 at 7:41 下午

            I mean DCC to TWD/JPY/KRW not DCC in Taiwan/Japan/Korea.
            Coz something the merchants will ask you what currency you wanna pay

            • percysmith on 5 月 16, 2014 at 10:46 上午

            “If you are DCCed in Taiwan/Japan/Korea you still don’t earn the 20X/8X.

            I think I asked Fubon before I travelled to Korea and Japan last month – whether they count online transactions (book hotel, instant prepaid rate). The CS response was “provided the charges are in KRW or JPY, we’ll count them”.

            In Taiwan and Korea, they’ll ask. DCC in Japan is rare but they’ll ask too. It’s China where they don’t ask (rip cardholders off)


            • 小斯 on 5 月 16, 2014 at 5:30 下午


    • Miles fan on 5 月 13, 2014 at 10:08 下午
    • Reply

    So should we book all hotels online in Taiwan currency?

    1. should!!
      online payment is different from payment under dcc

        • AY on 8 月 14, 2014 at 5:27 下午
        • Reply

        即係我用富邦ONLINE BOOK 酒店

        1. 可以呀

    • Timdy on 5 月 13, 2014 at 9:55 下午
    • Reply

    請教一下,在韓國簽卡,樂天會問用美金定港幣簽……我見網友話揀美金簽會著數d, 因為兌換率好d, 最後statement出來的港幣會平d, 係咪真?thx!!

    1. 因為online payment係冇under到DCC, 即係你見有時hk express d機票分開來回訂, 然後回程個程可以俾美金會平D就係咁解, 因為如果係上網買野個D係會直接按當日exchange rate去兌換再加海外簽賬手續費; 而DCC先食你兌換差價, 再加埋個手續費係入面咁要你俾, 所以會貴好多

        • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 10:14 上午
        • Reply

        Amazon with DCC HKD-denominated cards;

        http://www.hongkongcard.com/forum/forum_show.php?id=4303 #2

        1. therefore?

            • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 7:29 下午

            Sorry I thought you meant you can’t be DCCed online (you can be). Apologies if that’s not what you’re trying to say.

        • Timdy on 5 月 15, 2014 at 11:52 下午
        • Reply

        Thank you both!!

        1. ^^

      • percysmith on 5 月 15, 2014 at 10:13 上午
      • Reply

      Lotte Duty Free goods are denominated in USD, not Won.

      The DCC choice is whether you want Lotte to convert the USD into HKD.

      USD is very straigthforward – the Visa/MC rate is always between 7.90-7.91 due to HKD-USD peg (7.75-7.76 x 1.0195)

      Last time I was in Lotte I was offered 8.0128, or 1.4% more than Visa/MC rate

      *Opt for USD at Lotte at all times. And make damn sure the Korean cashiers follow through.*

      1. noted

    • Chiccat on 5 月 13, 2014 at 9:15 下午
    • Reply

    great tip! Thanks!!!

    1. thank you

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