Shangri-la Golden Circle新既清分方法

😍 經小斯申請信用卡/戶口/稅貸有額外積分/禮券/現金呀

😆 記得要follow埋我Instagram睇我啲靚旅行相呀!

😳 唔想錯過任何優惠或消息,記得要訂閱我既電子報呀!一有消息就會email通知你呀!(按我登記訂閱)

之前介紹大家開Shangri-la既Golden Circle之後,有好多fans都問話如果唔夠分換D food coupon咁點算呀?宜家唔使驚啦!就連少至1分都可以換到做錢啦!

由8月18號開始,去Shangri-la既餐廳食飯,埋單個陣出示會員卡,就可以以1個GC Rewards = 0.1USD既ratio去扣返你個餐張單,變相就可以用埋之前用剩個D分佢啦^^

1. Instant Dining Awards may only be redeemed for the Member’s personal use and the Member must be present upon settlement of the bill at the food and beverage outlet. Nominees may not redeem Instant Dining Awards.

2. Members must present their Membership cards and valid photo identity documents for verification to complete the redemption. The name of the identity document must match the name printed on the Membership card. The Company’s decision on verification shall be final.
–>仲要有D valid photo identity documents去對返會員卡個名先用得(^^你懂的)

3. Instant Dining Awards may only be redeemed when sufficient valid GC Award Points posted to a Member’s account are available at the time when such request for redemption is made. GC Award Points will be deducted from the Member’s account at the time when the redemption is made.

4. Instant Dining Awards can be redeemed to settle full or partial payment of the bill, excluding taxes, gratuities and service charges. All taxes, gratuities and service charges must be settled by cash, credit card or other payment method. If partial payment is made by redemption of Instant Dining Awards, the remaining balance must be settled by cash, credit card or other payment method and will be eligible to earn GC Award Points. No GC Award Points will be earned on any amount of the bill settled by redemption of Instant Dining Awards.
–>D分D錢唔扣得稅、service charges之類既野,同埋個張單都唔會計分

5. Members are required to indicate on the bill, the number of GC Award Points that the Member wishes to use and sign the bill as confirmation of the redemption of Instant Dining Awards.

6. Instant Dining Awards shall be redeemed at a cash equivalent rate of US$0.1 per GC Award Point.
–>正!就算你得1 GC Award Point都可以照用

7. The maximum number of GC Award Points that can be used per transaction is 50,000 GC Award Points or its local currency cash equivalent
–>一張Bill最多用到50,000 GC Award Points

8.  GC Award Points will be converted into local currency cash equivalent based on the monthly exchange rate defined by Golden Circle.
–>個exchange rate就由佢話事

9. Instant Dining Awards cannot be redeemed in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.

10. Instant Dining Awards cannot be redeemed to settle payment for gift vouchers, merchandise or services contracted out by The Company to a third party.
–>買coupon個D唔得,淨係可以換dining awards

11. Black-out dates may apply for redemption of Instant Dining Awards.

12. 呢個promotion會一直做落去,直到另行通知為止


like完都仲要記得set返get notification先可以收到我既即時資訊架^^

😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀

記得同時要like埋我 facebook,仲要撳埋"see first", 咁先會第一時間睇到我出既最新優惠!

同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!


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    • Tam on 1 6 月, 2016 at 10:55 下午
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    小斯,我細路之前用左佢戶口入面800分換左US$50 coupon 出來比我用,剛好今個六月底前要用左佢,結賬時我比coupon,咁我同行同枱既朋友可以用佢張信用卡折扣優惠結賬嗎?待覆。感謝!

    1. 拿!正路係唔得既!你到時叫職員同你分單啦!

    • Pansy on 17 11 月, 2014 at 9:57 上午
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    Thank you ^^

    • Pansy on 13 11 月, 2014 at 3:07 下午
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    佢之前block咗d account send咗email,今日終於都開返~即刻換咗coupon佢先^^ ,唔好意思問多次換咗既coupon係咪6個月內用就得?而家仲係咪即換即用& max usd200?


    1. 換佐既coupon係一定要個一日用返架 佢本身有日期架嘛

      即換即用 + MAX USD200 岩!

        • Pansy on 14 11 月, 2014 at 11:04 上午
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        咁可唔可以網上換coupon, 6個月內去business centre 拎? 換咗既coupon就即日用? thanks

        1. 網上換個到有日期揀架

    • 亭~wendy~ on 29 10 月, 2014 at 4:55 下午
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    原來真係BLOCK哂 D 齋拎分的朋友..個時唔醒只係幫屋企人開左…應該開多D 朋友戶口..

    其實我check過性價比最高係 北京traders east..那間酒店最少要 一千一晚….不過交通不便..

    1. 係囉 >< 我有個acct仲有1200分未用晒/__\

    • Nicole on 13 10 月, 2014 at 1:21 下午
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    請問咁而家仲可否用舊方法, 網上襟 –> Print Coupon –> 去business centre 換Coupon 咁比錢? thx~

    • K on 10 10 月, 2014 at 8:46 上午
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    1. 得 但係你換個陣要是但nominate另外個張俾對方
      因為如果要兩張Coupon一齊用 就要Under同一個名

    • gigiyu on 4 10 月, 2014 at 4:30 下午
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    Thank you for your e-mail of 2 October 2014, regarding your Golden Circle online account.

    We have taken note of your request below. However, to prevent fraud and protect our member’s privilege, we would appreciate it, if you could provide us your mobile number and a scan copy of your identification documentation reflecting your date of birth and your full name (e.g. ID card, passport, driving license), so that we can verify your identity.

    咁係咪無得換呀..>< 咁衰???

    1. 咁你咪俾資料佢對返囉@@

        • gigiyu on 4 10 月, 2014 at 5:38 下午
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        但我仲有幾個A/C 呢? >.< 而家只可用一個咋

        1. hahahahaha
          冇架啦-_- 佢宜家要清我地場呀/_\

    • gigiyu on 2 10 月, 2014 at 11:31 下午
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    我今日想LOGIN入去都吾得呀,,, 試過 activate my account 都吾得… ><

    1. 我都係呀 勁過份!
      好彩我已經用晒D分姐 HAHAAHAHA

    • little yan on 22 9 月, 2014 at 3:55 下午
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    我懷疑太多人用point,佢要我俾id copy要生日,名和電話,俾佢verify 才肯跟進。

    1. =0= 咁都要咁麻煩

        • tommy on 2 10 月, 2014 at 12:27 下午
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        取消哂我地d 戶口
        我打算投訴 但唔知點投…

        1. 我都係呀 勁過份!
          好彩我已經用晒D分姐 HAHAAHAHA

    • YY on 19 9 月, 2014 at 3:21 下午
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    I will go on coming sun, but i still cant login or activate my account, dim suen?

    • Pansy on 8 9 月, 2014 at 9:19 上午
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    我剛剛星期六去咗深圳香格里拉到食buffet, print member card想用d積分…但佢唔話得(我係本人去) 一定要正本member先得喎,我食之前都email問過話係可以架,畀埋佢睇都唔得囉~可能內地既行政未update到?!或者唔想take any risk? 大家食之前當面問清楚先好去食~有無人試過用print 既member card喺香港或者其他地方用到?

    Thank you

    1. 嘩 大陸真係奇怪-_-
      因為我之前係廣州食過, 佢就係乜都唔知, 然後我講乜都話得=0=

        • Pansy on 10 9 月, 2014 at 9:14 上午
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        可能我個氣勢唔夠強…HaHa~不過我都會send mail 問多次!!

        1. 下次印個email大佢!

            • Pansy on 10 9 月, 2014 at 4:49 下午

            其實我有畀email佢睇,但佢死都話要有正本既member card =.= , 哈哈~下次都係留返喺香港用~仲有一樣好奇怪,呢幾日上去log in諗住睇吓d分入咗未,點知完全入唔到…去之前都無事,係咪佢網站有問題?

            • 小斯 on 11 9 月, 2014 at 1:16 上午


            • KEN on 16 9 月, 2014 at 10:01 上午

            我都LOGIN 唔到,

            • 小斯 on 16 9 月, 2014 at 12:15 下午

            佢個系統short short 地,你去呢度的右下角禁activate my account ,輸入返D 資料就入到架啦

            • KEN on 16 9 月, 2014 at 2:56 下午


            • 小斯 on 16 9 月, 2014 at 3:04 下午

            我有幾個account 都係用activate my account 個方法開返

    • Winnie Lo on 3 9 月, 2014 at 4:55 下午
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    張會員卡係邊到印返出黎? 搵左好耐都搵唔到. 謝謝!

    1. –> Personnel information –> Print Temporary card

    • YY on 28 8 月, 2014 at 1:13 下午
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    1. 唔得的><

        • YY on 29 8 月, 2014 at 9:38 上午
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        thanks anyway!

    • KK on 25 8 月, 2014 at 11:51 下午
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    1. 以前有 宜家冇佐了

    • Florence on 25 8 月, 2014 at 4:15 下午
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    好傷心呀….之前玩遊戲賺分, 1000分咪可以換台南香格里拉一晚住宿嘅….但係唔知幾時take out 左台南呀….而家剩返大陸某啲地區…..

    1. /__\

    • Crystal on 25 8 月, 2014 at 1:18 下午
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    Instant Dining Awards cannot be redeemed in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.—>
    我自己個ACCOUNT得800分,如果我用阿媽個account先換左100USD coupon,扣左之後再用自己張卡比得唔得呢可? 睇落唔得啦可?

    1. 唔得呀 唔可以兩樣野一齊用架~

