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😳 唔想錯過任何優惠或消息,記得要訂閱我既電子報呀!一有消息就會email通知你呀!(按我登記訂閱)



.         Accorhotels cashback: 4%

·         Agoda rebates: 6%

·         AirFrance rebate : 1.2%

·         Best Western cashback: 5% on both hotel stays and gift card purchases

· cashback: 4%

·         CheapTickets cashback: Pre-paid hotel reservations: 7.5% (2% if a coupon code is used); air: $4.50

·         Expedia rebate: ESR hotel reservation: 6% other hotel bookings: 2%; air: $2.25; car rentals: 2%; cruise: $25.

·         Groupon cashback : Travel: new customer 15%; existing customer 5%.

· rebates: 3%

·         HotelClub cashback: 14%

· rebate: 7%

·         Ibis rebates: 4%

·         Marriott International rebates: 3%

·         Novotel rebates: 4%

·         Orbitz cashback: Pre-paid hotel reservations: 7.5% (2% if a coupon code is used); pay at check-in hotel reservation: 5% (2% if a coupon code is used); air: $3.50; car rental: $4; cruise: $30

·         Priceline cashback: Pre-paid hotel reservations: 7%; agency hotel reservation: 5%; express hotel reservation: 3%; agency air ticket: $5;  ‘Name Your Own Price’: 3%; cruise: $31

·         Pullman cashback: 4%

·         Radisson Hotels rebates: 5%

·         Southwest Airlines Vacations rebates: 2%

·         Vayama cashback: Travel insurance: 5%; online purchase: $15

·         Wego Travel Search cashback: 70% of the revenue Wego Travel Search earns when you use its search facility and click through to view the results

·         Wyndham Hotels cashback: 5%

😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀

記得同時要like埋我 facebook,仲要撳埋"see first", 咁先會第一時間睇到我出既最新優惠!

同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!


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    • Jason on 22 6 月, 2015 at 9:33 上午
    • 回覆

    hihi, is the $ there is USD?

    1. yes usd

    • phylc on 16 1 月, 2014 at 12:44 下午
    • 回覆

    I’ve booked 3 times with hotelclub through topcashback, and all the claims got rejected, explanation was “This transaction has been declined by the merchant, which means that it has been marked as being ineligible for cash back.”, which doesn’t really explain anything…

    1. have your also used the discount code at the same time?

        • PhylC on 23 1 月, 2014 at 6:14 下午
        • 回覆

        yes I did! so that’s why no topcashback for me! I can’t eat my cake and have it too! lol Thanks!

        1. Sorry what u are asking for??

        2. I remember la
          I mentioned that u have used the discount code tgt with the top cash back

