
Citibank PM卡高達15%額外里數獎賞計劃抽獎

😍 經小斯申請信用卡/戶口/稅貸有額外積分/禮券/現金呀:flyformiles.hk/20634

😀 😀 :清理卡數債務最忌係拖❗ 即刻介紹個專家比你 幫你債務清零仲要還得聰明❗🤩經小斯申請送高達$31,500獎賞❗: flyformiles.hk/60581

😆 記得要follow埋我Instagram睇我啲靚旅行相呀!

😳 唔想錯過任何優惠或消息,記得要訂閱我既電子報呀!一有消息就會email通知你呀!(按我登記訂閱)

岩岩玩完mega sales個兌換里數額外獎賞,宜家就輪到Citibank PM卡啦!只要打去佢條熱線到抽獎,即可獲得高達15%額外里數獎賞!如果呢排想清佐PM卡D分既朋友,就好留意下啦!


抽獎方法:打去8226 1886抽獎

獎賞:可享高達15%的額外里數獎賞 (最低為2%),額外獎賞Maximum係10,000里

推廣詳情:經任何方式,包括電話、網上、郵寄及傳真等,每用6,000積分兌換500「亞洲萬里通」里數,可額外獲贈抽到既 2% – 15%的「亞洲萬里通」里數,所以每個兌換單位必須為6,000積分




Quick Link:
Citibank PM:http://flyformiles.hk/?p=141


like完都仲要記得set返get notification先可以收到我既即時資訊架^^

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 我是一條分隔線 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

記得同時要like埋我 facebook,仲要撳埋"see first", 咁先會第一時間睇到我出既最新優惠!

同埋梗係要follow 埋我Instagram,睇我啲靚相同IG Story啦!


    • yan on 11 月 10, 2014 at 2:23 下午
    • Reply

    I also have the same question as Percysmith above.

    Anyway, i got only 3% bonus in the draw =__=

    • percysmith on 11 月 10, 2014 at 12:49 下午
    • Reply

    Are you sure this applies to Prestige?

    I have both Premiermiles and Prestige, my points aren’t pooled.

    I listened to the T&C and I heard nothing about this promo applying to Prestige.

    I phoned Citibank 2860 0360 using my Premiermiles card and the Premiermiles CS said the offer only applies to my Premiermiles but not my Prestige.

    I phoned Citibank 2860 0338 using my Prestige card and the Prestige CS said there is no similar redemption offer for Prestige like the Premiermiles.

    1. me wrong /__\
      i am being faked by the staff T^T

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